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The King’s Prey: Saint Dymphna of Ireland (God’s Forgotten Friends)
by Susan Peek

An insane king. His fleeing daughter. Estranged brothers, with a scarred past, risking everything to save her from a fate worse than death.

Someday by Corinna Turner

A blaring fire alarm wakens teen students from Chisbrook Hall girls boarding school in the dead of night, but the real nightmare is just beginning.
Because ‘al-Qabda’ are taking them all away.
Whether they want to go or not.

Jacob of the Thundercloud by Zoran Majstorovic

When lightning hits his house, Jacob, an ordinary teenager, ends up in Ancient Egypt. He’s thrilled at first, but there’s one very big problem: Jacob is a devoted Catholic–and Egypt in ancient times isn’t the best place for Catholics.

Treachery and Truth: A Story of Sinners, Servants, and Saints by Katy Huth Jones

This gripping YA historical novel tells the story of a remarkable teen through the eyes of his servant, Poidevin, who came to faith because of the example of his godly young master. Immersed in the historical background of tenth century Bohemia, this true tale of Good King Wenceslas pulls the reader into the struggles and danger of the Dark Ages.

Maiden General: How a 17-year-old Girl Saved France at Orleans: A True Story
by Mike MacCarthy

Joan, 17 years old and a pious young woman, runs away from home in order to attempt an impossible mission from God–have herself appointed as a French field general and lead her country to victory over the English.

The Holy Lance (The English Templars) by Andrew Latham

King Richard the Lionheart charges English Templar Michael Fitz Alan with a life-or-death mission–to recover the long-lost Holy Lance, a religious relic widely believed to be responsible for the near-miraculous success of the First Crusade. The ensuing quest leads Fitz Alan and a band of Templars on a journey deep into enemy territory, where they battle Saracens, Assassins, hostile Christians and even a traitor within their own ranks as they seek to return the Holy Lance to Christian hands.

Angel Fire by Mary Grace Marshall

Saxon-Sorn carries a secret with him that transcends both space and time. He finds safe haven on a hostile planet named Earth. The water tastes bitter, but his life is sweetened with the love of a dauntless woman. Guided by angelic warriors, they embrace a third ally, a dauntless Catholic priest. Together the three must risk their lives in a race against the future and the past.

Castle Wolves by Patricia La Barbera

Lady Merewyn and Prince Alexander face daunting circumstances. Werewolf hordes, slaughtering royalty and peasants, rampage King William’s empire. But even if she and Prince Alexander escape, Lady Merewyn fears he will discover her secret.

Island of Life by Gerry More

What can a husband do when his wife declares she’s going to have an abortion rather than give birth to their child? One man decides on an outrageous plan to kidnap his spouse and take her to a small island in the South Pacific. Here, where everyone is Catholic, he will force her to have their child.

A Soldier Surrenders: The Conversion of St. Camillus de Lellis
by Susan Peek

Soldiering, gambling, brawling, drinking. As a young man, Saint Camillus excelled at them all. Add to that his fiery temper and innate knack for getting in trouble, and Camillus de Lellis seems the last person who could ever achieve holiness! But God had plans for the stubborn young soldier, whether Camillus liked it or not . . .
Read’s review here.

Crusader King: A Novel of Baldwin IV and the Crusades
by Susan Peek

A powerful historical novel about the unusual life of King Baldwin IV of Jerusalem, the leper crusader king who – despite ascending to the throne at only 13, his early death at 24 and his debilitating disease – performed great and heroic deeds in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.
Read’s review here.

Fisher of Men by Terry Cross

Divers are disappearing without a trace near San Clemente Island in California. Ms.Terry Ho, Public Relations Ambassador of the California Aquarium, is called by the sheriff’s office to investigate. A blurry picture of a colorful sea creature and two audio cassettes of its swimming patterns are all the clues she has to solve this mystery. Parallel to her investigation, the US Navy has engaged renowned white shark expert, Dr. Storm Hancock, in a confidential research regarding these bizarre disappearances.

In-Sight by Gerard D. Webster

In-Sight is the story of fall, forgiveness, and redemption. Most of all, it’s the story of a lost son coming home. Although realistic in its portrayal of evil, it relates the victory of deeply instilled family values over seemingly impossible odds. If you champion those same values, cheer for the underdog, and believe that a Power Greater than ourselves has a hand in destiny, IN-SIGHT is for you!

The Soul Reader: A Novel of Suspense (The sequel to In-Sight) by Gerard D. Webster

The two people Ward McNulty most wished he could forget were the woman he once loved and the man he still hated. It is a year after his father’s murder when Carrie asks Ward to assist her in writing a book about the North Beach Project, the money-laundering scheme that led to his father’s death.

Saint Magnus, The Last Viking by Susan Peek

In this fast-paced new novel by the highly popular Susan Peek, the conflict unfolds between Magnus Erlendson, a heroic young prince aflame with the love of God, and his outlawed cousin Hakon, who blames Magnus for his banishment from their kingdom. What follows is a tale of betrayal and revenge, bravery and forgiveness, as Magnus seeks to restore his father’s vanquished kingdom to it’s rightful hands.
Read’s review here.

Poor Banished Children by Fiorella de Maria

An explosion is heard off the coast of seventeenth-century England, and a woman washes up on the shore. She is barely alive and does not speak English, but she asks for a priest… in Latin.
She has a confession to make and a story to tell, but who is she and from where has she come?

The Search for the Madonna by Donna Alice Patton

The Search for the Madonna, set during the Great Depression, is an adventure novel for ages 10 and up. Dreaming of a bright future without anymore worries, Maggie is determined to unlock the secrets of the legendary lost Brandenburg treasure.

Stop the Traffick (Sister Mary’s Bad Habit Adventures) by George Patterson

This is a story of evil, innocence, fall and redemption which builds on the sins of greed, pride and lust as they unfold in a drama of the horrors of human trafficking. A courageous young nun struggles to protect the poor and powerless, especially women, and to bring the traffickers to justice.

Liberating Theology (Sister Mary’s Bad Habit Adventures) by George Patterson

This time our favorite nun travels to South America where she takes on a priest and nun killing dictator and his cocaine drug lord accomplice. Along the way the holy sister breaks freedom fighters out of prison, saves villagers from slaughter, delivers a baby, and wipes out an entire cocaine plantation.

In Search of Noah’s Art (Sister Mary’s Bad Habit Adventures) by George Patterson

Follow a courageous young nun as she tracks down religious artifacts stolen by the Nazis in WWII. Her adventure lands her in the midst of a neo-Nazi cult intent on developing a hi-tech Holocaust.

Assassinating Pope Francis (Sister Mary’s Bad Habit Adventures) by George L. Patterson

Sister Mary has a vision of two powerful beasts attacking the Catholic Church. She identifies one as the United States government. The other is a group of ultra-conservative Catholic Cardinals, the Salvatores Ecclesiae (Saviors of the Church) who want to replace Pope Francis with a Pope that will take the Church back to the Council of Trent.

Toward the Gleam by T. M. Doran

Between the two world wars, on a hike in the English countryside, Professor John Hill takes refuge from a violent storm in a cave. There he nearly loses his life, but he also makes an astonishing discovery — an ancient manuscript housed in a cunningly crafted metal box…. The translation of the manuscript and the search for its origins become a life-long quest for Hill.

The Tripods Attack! (The Young Chesterton Chronicles) by John McNichol

They are coming! Sixteen-year-old Gilbert Chesterton is orphaned and friendless, stuck working a menial job in grimy turn-of-the-century London. Then one night strange lights fill the sky, and a hail of giant meteors crashes into a field outside the city. The next day Gilbert is amazed to find himself hired by a newspaper and rushed out to investigate the scene. Is it a harmless natural phenomenon, or the first wave of a Martian invasion?